(Vassia Alaykova - USA, Susans Art
Loft - Facebook)
I thank Ruxandra Cesereanu for
inviting me to join this game about poets, poetry and masks. :)
This is what I answered:
1) What am I working on?
Every book I publish is followed by quite long pauses, when I
do not to write poems. I have my own obsessions, but I dislike writing about the
same obsessive things. After The Ecstasy
of St. Markon (Tracus Arte, 2012) I
wrote about 20 poems, but have not a clear view on the next volume of poetry. I
do feel it should be about memory and body, body of memory or the memory of
body – we’ll see.
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I think my voice differs from those of other poets. As long
as my voice is strong and the crowds can hear me, I can longer survive :). As
for the rest, the poetry of every poet is also the poetry of other poets.
3) Why do I write what I do?
Poetry isn’t futile in our times, but I don’t think it can
fundamentally change people. It is enough if my poetry brings joy, disturbs,
irritates or fascinates.
4) How does your writing process work?
I am quite focused and there is
nothing excentric in sitting in front of a laptop, while trying to express an
inner and proper rhythm. The rhythm of my own head.
I sent my invitations to two other
poets and both will answer the same questions, next Monday on their blogs:
Moni Stănilă: Born in Tomești,
Romania, on 9 February, 1978. She is a member of the Writers’ Union. She graduated
from the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University, Timisoara
and holds an M.A in Theology, from the
Faculty of Theology “Andrei Șaguna”, Sibiu. At the moment she
coordinates the literary circle “Republica”, from the National Library, Chișinau,
R. Moldova and works as a journalist / editorialist for Timpul. She published a diary of
religious conversion: Iconostat, 2007. Literary debut: The book of poems postoi parovoz.
confesiunile dogmatistei. (Ninpress-Charmides Publishing House, 2009). Sagarmatha – book of poems, 2012, Tracus-Arte Publishing House. 4th - novel, 2013, Tracus-Arte Publishing House.
Alexandru Vakulovski: is a Moldavian poet and prose writer. He was born in 1978,
in Antoneşti/Suvorov (nowdays Ştefan Vodă) in the Soviet Union, today the
Republic of Moldova. Studied at the State University of Moldova (Chişinău) and
then graduated from the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca with a degree in
philology. He is founding editor of the web magazine Tiuk! (k-avem kef), along
with his brother Mihail Vakulovski, the graphic artist Dan Perjovschi and
Viorel Ciama. He published several novels and books of poetry.
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Ciprian Miron
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That’s bellissimo